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For individuals, couples, families, we provide psychological therapy, support and consultation to help you lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Our approach, sensorimotor psychotherapy, focuses on physical sensations and was established by Dr. Pat Ogden in the United States. The first officially certified therapist in Japan will provide therapy at our center.


Do these thoughts and feelings resonate with you?

  • When people have confidence in me, I feel pressured.

  • It is difficult for me to build partnerships (unable to actively pursue love or marriage, unable to like others).

  • I struggle in balancing out childcare and work.

  • I feel negative when my ability or performance turns out to be worse than expected.

  • I have difficulty in expressing myself socially.

  • I do not know where the boundaries are in relationships.

  • I am not aware of the exact reason, but I feel that life is difficult.

  • Sometimes I cannot stop being irritated and take it out on others.

"I will never feel better"
"I always worry about the same thing"
These feeling and thoughts may be due to underlying emotional trauma that you are not aware of.

Maintenance of the Mind

Have you ever seen a scene in a movie or TV where the main character undergoes therapy?


In fact, in Europe and the United States, therapy is not a place for “people who are struggling with something.”  Maintaining health of the mind and body increases self-acceptance and self-affirmation. Nowadays, therapy is widely used to improve QOL and enhance one's humanity.


For example,  when your body is tired you go to a massage salon, when your hair grows you go to a beauty salon, and to work out you go to the gym.

Regular maintenance is essential not only for people but also for machines and nature to maintain stable functionality, scenery, and performance.


By setting aside time for maintenance and training, you can consistently maintain a healthier and more active state.


Tokyo MFT Center

"A healthier and more fulfilling life" 
“Sense of yourself"
We provide support to bring out the best in you.

At Tokyo MFT Center, a psychotherapist with experience in the US, UK and Japan, provides treatment plans tailored to your individual needs to help you achieve optimal results.


We provide therapeutic techniques and approaches through physical sensations to help clients understand how their psychological issues and trauma are affecting their bodies, rediscover their true selves, and achieve self-acceptance and growth. We support you by utilizing a body-integrating approach, and through a series of sessions, we help you heal emotional wounds and promote recovery from trauma.


We also offer sessions, group works, and workshops that focus on the difficulties of living, problems with human relationships (friends, partnerships, family relationships), and communication issues.


We also incorporate Jon Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness meditation and stress management practices.


We provide support to help you live a healthier, more fulfilling life and express your true self by improving your brain's physiological function and abilities of mind-body balance.


What is Sensorimotor  Psychotherapy?


Sensorimotor psychotherapy is a somatic approach which focuses on body sensations in trauma treatment, established by Dr. Pat Ogden.
This approach has recently gained attention as an effective mean of processing, recovering from trauma, and restoring balance to the mind and body. It has been developing around the world for 20 years.
Physical sensations deepen the connection between our mind and body, and they are valuable sources of information for self-understanding and self-regulation.
By paying attention to the state and sensations of your own body, you can release tension in your mind and body.  This will enable you to activate your original inner resources.
This approach helps you recognize the effects of trauma through bodily sensations and reactions, and encourages the process of releasing those emotions and energies in a safe environment, leading to a sense of integration in mind and body.

At our center, this approach is provided by a therapist who is officially certified  (only in Japan as of 2023) by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute in the United States


Therapy Menu

Therapy menu to choose from

If you are not sure which menu is best for you, please contact us for a private session. We will then suggest the best type of session of you.




​6-13-9 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

GIRAC GINZA 8F inside bizcube

Business hours

Monday to Saturday



©2023 Tokyo MFT Center

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